Jevas Cerveceras, the all female homebrewing team in collaboration with Boxlab Brewing Co. are releasing LIDERESA Session IPA brewed with Papaya on Saturday March 18 at the Candela Cervecera Event at The Beer Box in Aguadilla.
LIDERESA was brewed with the following grains 2-Row Malt, Wheat Malt and Vienna. Hops used were Azacca, Idaho-7 and Ekuanot with the addition of Papaya. It has an ABV of 4.7% and IBU of 42.5
From the LIDERESA label:
Es nuestra primera cerveza que nace de una colaboración maravillosa entre un grupo de mujeres talentosísimas que unen su creatividad, pasión y experiencia con un mismo propósito. Además de visibilizar el rol de las mujeres en la industria, LIDERESA pone sobre la mesa algunas problemáticas que todavía son tema de conversación.
Lideresa somos todas las mujeres que día a día nos esforzamos por seguir creciendo a pesar de los obstáculos, a pesar del machismo, a pesar de la desigualdad.
Lideresa es reflejo de la mujer líder en cada faceta de su vida; madre, trabaja-dora, emprendedora y visionaria.
Lideresa es símbolo de nuestra lucha por retomar lo que desde el inicio ha sido nuestro y se nos ha arrebatado, la cerveza.
(Google translated)
It is our first beer that is born from a wonderful collaboration between a group of extremely talented women who unite their creativity, passion and experience with the same purpose.
In addition to making visible the role of women in the industry, LIDERESA brings to the table some issues that are still a topic of conversation.
Leaders are all the women who day by day strive to continue growing despite the obstacles, despite the machismo, despite the inequality.
Leader is a reflection of the leading woman in every facet of her life; mother, worker, entrepreneur and visionary.
Lideresa is a symbol of our struggle to retake what has been ours from the beginning and has been taken from us: beer.
The artwork for Lideresa was created by well known Puerto Rican artist Elizabeth Barreto.
Photo by Jevas Cerveceras