KBS – Kentucky Breakfast Stout


Founders KBS Kentucky Breakfast StoutGreat news for Puerto Rico beer fans, Founders Brewing Company confirmed that this years KBS – Kentucky Breakfast Stout is coming to the island. Rumor has it, its one of the best vintages yet….

This stout is brewed with a hint of coffee and vanilla then aged in oak bourbon barrels for over a year.

It is an imperial stout that is brewed with a tons amount of coffee and chocolates, then cave-aged in oak bourbon barrels for an entire year, so that the bourbon undertones come through in the finish.

Masterfully Crafted. Patiently Perfected

“It’s up to us to really diversify, we can’t just be limited to stouts… we have to push that envelope. You put the right beer in the right barrel and you’re going to create some pretty interesting flavors…” – Jeremy Kosmicki, Brewmaster

The same recipe is used each year, but alcohol volome varies depending on the variety of barrel ages used and the various burbouns used in the process

National release is April 2017, so expect to see it on shelves and in bars soon

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