Insane In The Festbier from Lupulos Hermanos


Lupulos Hermanos Brewery will have their very first Oktoberfest beer “Insane in the Festbier” available on tap at their brewery / tap room in Carolina, tomorrow Friday October 28.

For their first Oktoberfest beer Lupulos Hermanos wanted to showcase a Festbier rather than the Marzen style that the majority of the American and Puerto Rican breweries are producing.

The Festbier is the style that has been served at the Munich Beer Festival since 1990 and unlike a Marzen which is amber in color the Festbier is an intense yellow.

Master Brewer William Norris describes Insane in the Festbier as a “smooth German Lager with a moderately strong malt flavor that has a light hop character”

For this beer Lupulos Hermanos performed a single infusion mash with a mash out at 168F, They used traditional German Hops with two additions, one at the beginning of the boil and the second at knockout that imparts a mild floral aroma

Insane in the Festbier will be available from tomorrow October 28 ONLY at Lupulos Hermanos Brewery / Tap Room.

Lupulos Hermanos is located at Calle A, Lot 9, Carolina Industrial Park in Carolina


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